Should I Get an End-of-Season AC Tune-Up?

September 19, 2020

It makes a lot of sense to have your AC system tuned-up at the end of the heating system. There are five main benefits to doing so. 1. Extend the Life of Your Air Conditioner Neglected air conditioning systems have a shorter lifespan than ones that have been well-maintained. These systems are expensive, so making sure they last as long as possible should be a priority. Maintain Efficiency Air conditioners lose their energy efficiency as parts wear down or get dirty. Having maintenance performed on your system each year will

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How To Care For Your Lawn Around an Outdoor AC Unit

August 16, 2020

You want to be careful around the outdoor component of your AC system when taking care of your lawn. You can easily cause dirt and debris to end up inside of it when mowing, which could result in a call to an HVAC company for repairs. Here’s how to care for your AC unit properly. Mow With Discharge Facing Away From it You’ll want to mow around your outdoor AC unit with the lawnmower’s discharge facing away from it at all times. Lawnmowers discharge grass, mulch and dirt that could get inside your AC unit and

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How to Connect your New Thermostat to your AC

July 16, 2020

A new thermostat is sure to be more responsive and easier to use than your old one. However, you must set up the device before you can use it. Here are some guidelines you can follow to connect your new thermostat to your AC. Common Wire First, identify the common wire, also known as the c-wire. This is the wire that always provides power to the thermostat. Because there’s going to be so many wires to connect, it’s important that you connect the common wire first. This will provide you with a solid foundation to connect

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How to Tell if You Need Air Conditioning Repair Work

June 18, 2020

Most air conditioners need repairs now and then, and fortunately, there are signs you can look for to alert you to this. In the discussion that follows, we’ll describe a few of those signs and provide explanations of what they might indicate. Unusually Loud Noises It’s normal for an AC unit to make some noise when coming on or shutting off. Continual or unusually loud noises are another matter. Rattling and banging may be the result of a loose or out-of-balance part in the air handler. A defect in the relay or control could lead to

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How Do I Know When To Replace My Thermostat?

May 14, 2020

A thermostat can begin to malfunction over time, making it difficult to heat or cool your home on a consistent basis. Fortunately, thermostats are relatively inexpensive to replace and are easily accessible. Reaching out to our HVAC company is a great way to help you find the root cause of the problem and ensure that your entire system is working correctly. Here are the three most common signs that you need to replace your thermostat. 1. Unresponsive Thermostat One of the most obvious signs that your thermostat doesn’t work is if it

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